Binding off! And other endings...

Hello, my poor neglected blog. Unfortunately I do not have a great update photo for today, I am still working on the Neibling from my last post. But I'm finally onto the bind off, which will be 1040 stitches long by the end. It's a loopy bind off, so it will take almost forever.

No, today I am writing because, first of all, it has been a really long time since I did, and second, because my life has been so chaotic lately that I just haven't had time for some of the things I truly enjoy the most. This blog is one of those things!

So yes, I am binding of my second Neibling shawl, and it is lovely. I am completely obsessed with this Nimbus colorway from Evergreen Fiber Works. I also have some other life events for endings and new beginnings. My current employment is coming to a close and in little over a week I'll be embarking on a new job adventure. My husband is likewise in the process of career changes. Both of my kids have recently started new schools and my oldest just had her fifth birthday! 

Things have been hopping around here and they cycle of life carries on. Knitting is the thread that ties it all together for me; even when my time is more limited, I can always return to this craft to center me and keep my world on track.

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